pressSIGN directly supports all of the following spectrophotometers;
Want to send ink key corrections into the press console? pressSIGN-Pro integrates with many third party closed loop systems including, but not limited to, Digital Information’s InkZone Loop, PrintFlow’s DIPS Online, Rutherford’s AutoPilot and many web based press systems.
Already have a closed loop system on your press? No problem, pressSIGN-Pro will accept data from a variety of different press consoles like Heidelberg’s Image Control, Axis Control, Inpress Control, Komori’s PDC-S, PDC-SII and PDC-SX, Roland’s ColorPilot, KBA’s DensiTronic, ColorTronic, EgoTronic and QualiTronic, Ryobi PDS-E and many more press manufacturer’s closed loop systems. In nearly all of the above cases pressSIGN works in AutoMode and creates the job without any operator intervention.
See how pressSIGN-Pro can help you and your company improve print quality, meet clients expectations and lower costs. Download a demo of the latest version of the software today.
Already have a closed loop system on your press? No problem, pressSIGN-Pro will accept data from a variety of different press consoles;
In nearly all of the cases above, pressSIGN works in AutoMode creating and scoring the job in seconds without any operator intervention, leaving the printer to focus on the press.
Want to send ink key corrections into the press console? pressSIGN-Pro integrates with the following 3rd party closed loop systems;
Scan the sheet in pressSIGN-Pro and the colour corrections will be automatically transferred to one of the systems above which converts them into ink key movements and communicates with the press console.
See how pressSIGN-Pro can help you and your company improve print quality, meet clients expectations and lower costs. Create an account by clicking the “Sign Up” button in the top right corner and download a free demo of the latest version today!