pressSIGN 8.2 Released
pressSIGN 8.2 Released
Date: Tuesday 09 May, 2017
pressSIGN 8.2 is now available to download
pressSIGN 8.2 is a free upgrade for all pressSIGN 8 users. If you are running earleir versions contact your local dealer for upgrade pricing.
Bodoni continues to update the popular print standardization software pressSIGN 8 with several new features which improve connectivity to other systems and spectrophotometers as well as improved usability.
Import Inpress Control data from Prinect 2017
Automatically import data from Inpress using the AutoMode feature in pressSIGN via Prinect 2017.
Heidelberg Prinect 2017 is the latest workflow solution from the German manufacturer. pressSIGN accepts the color quality data that Prinect 2017 makes available. Using the information from the file pressSIGN creates the job automatically in Automode.
To make the information available to pressSIGN Prinect 2017 users will need to have the Prinect API License and the Prinect Integration Manager License.
The job measurement data will then be available in the latest version of pressSIGN 8 Pro or GPM. To use the data to confirm international print standards users will also need to use the pressSIGN dry back calculations.
JDF & PPF File compatibility
Many graphic arts applications generate JDF files and it is one of the standard methods of communicating between different applications. pressSIGN 8 now accepts JDF files to create jobs.
By setting up AutoMode JDF files will automatically create new jobs. This will allow MIS Systems like Tharstens or Closed Loop applications such as Digital Information to integrate seamlessly with pressSIGN 8.2.
While there is a defined style for the creation of JDF files there are many variations in the way applications create these files so we don’t expect every JDF to be able to create a pressSIGN job.
If you have an application that generates JDF files please email an example output and we will test it and make the necessary amendments to allow the particular file you have to work with pressSIGN.
The same is true for PPF files.
Support for eXact XP
X-Rite have recently introduced a new version of the popular eXact spectrophotometer – eXact XP. This new device is designed to give better results with film substrates, but there is no ability to measure in M3 (polarization) mode. pressSIGN now supports the eXact XP as well as all the other versions of eXact.
Create Templates from AutoMode set up window
AutoMode works extensively with templates in order to add extra features to the new job settings which are not available from the file created by the sending application. Users can now add or edit templates directly from the AutoMode Set-Up.
Add a logo to the pressSIGN PDF reports
Users have requested that they should be able to have their logo appear on the pressSIGN reports and we are happy to oblige.
Hide the Pantone Libraries
By default pressSIGN comes with all of the Pantone Libraries this can sometimes lead users to choose the wrong library which is very easy to do when the same numbers appear in several of the available libraries. To avoid this administrators can now hide these libraries from users selection.
For a full list of new features in pressSIGN 8 please download the PDF