pressSIGN GPM subscribers can publish their print quality scores via a web server so that any remote users can track their performance.
All pressSIGN users can generate PDF reports of a single measurement, or the average of many, using the default “proofSIGN Certification”, “Measurement Report” and “Summary Report” layouts showing the key performance indicators selected in the job, such as colour difference, TVI graphs, grey balance and their scores etc. Or you can create your own custom report layout including only what you want to show.
Trends or Pro client licenses offer managers a deeper understanding of the performance of their printing devices and operators with “Production Reports” for either an individual job, all jobs within a project, for a selected category or over a specified period of time. Compare the performance of;
Or any other metadata for which you want to track KPIs using the Job Data field which, once added, can be used to search for jobs in the database.
Create dynamic reports showing trends, comparisons and ranking. Select all the data from the server or sort by any criteria and generate reports.
Frequently used database searches can be saved by all users, which our GPM subscription licensees can then schedule to automatically email the latest report, as either HTML or a PDF, to any of their key stakeholders.
The free pressSIGN Mobile client allows an unlimited number of users to access the print quality scores via a web browser on their computer or smartphone, especially useful for non-technical users who may not understand ∆E or TVI etc, such as in sales, customer services or even your customers who just want to know if the score was good and have confidence that the job conforms to the agreed press target.
The Web Reports interface shows the overall performance of the jobs in the database, or the results of a search query, using pie charts, tables, scatter graphs and histograms to simplify and expedite the analysis process.